Truly not a real productive time
with the longarm however it was a wonderfully educational time. Many different things went on and I will
bullet and share some education with you all. My hope is this all will help some
of you avoid some of the frustration I had.
This was my first time with using
108” backing fabric and not knowing of the learning curve I was dealing
with. Load unload load unload I was so
very sure that it was square all these times. Frustration 4 letter words flying
away. Ok need to walk away.. What a
great place to end up walking away to feel better.
I went to the Quilt Farm (
Great magical NICE place right close to my place. Where along my
drive I get to stop and enjoy beautiful places such as this water fall and
there is many more beautiful places along the way too.
Where upon arrival I did have an
advanced heads up that the Canada crew was enjoying the fall retreat week
together there. The leader of that gang Chris Foster who now has a blog I
highly encourage you to go visit her and see her many way above me gifted talented
well educated greatness she blesses us all with in the quilting world.( )
So now that you have all that
great information that I am sure you all will visit the sites and let me know
when you are taking a trip up to the farm and we all can go for lunch or
something while you visit. Here are some
bullet points.
Backing that
is 108” is best when Tore off the bolt rather than cut. This keeps it much straighter.
Ironing all
this stuff is insanely hard when your iron breaks and does not get hot enough.
Perhaps a new iron is in order.
My idea of
racking 2 quilt tops with different thread color requirement’s is way out there
and I just tossed that idea out. ( as well as the way both tops fit would not
be the way I was quilting the one… a few inches too little. ) ERRRRRR
The best things
to do is walk away breath and go play with another project and come back refreshed