Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Chicken Tractor/ Coop Engineering Changes & New Build

Angels lays with her new loved hens as I work on moving the heavy coop they are in now. 

Well I built my hitch axle and attached a new set of wheels. this much was a plus. I tested it on the coop they have now so I could move that and it was an epic fail. I did learn a lot and will be armed for the new engineering ideas.  Here is the failed attempt pic I am still impressed I did this all and got this far. Its truly a fun learning adventure with a lot of creativity.

I have the base with hitch finished on the new coup and I tested it towed it around the yard and it works like a charm. Fingers crossed it works that good with the coop built on it. I believe my sewing has helped my a lot in the shop as now I seem more patient and this is just a time like seam ripping I guess. 

Hildigar was very happy to have her coup back on the ground for sure.